lundi 14 février 2011

Winter in Indianapolis

I was fortunate to be able to visit mom & dad for a long weekend, and wanted to share some pictures. Much of the weekend was spent at home, hanging out with Zeus (pictured here with his favorite stuffed rabbit).

Cathy & I created a snow shark. Unfortunately for Barbie, he was hungry.
Grandma Pat made a beautiful fire in the kitchen with Henry & James.
On Friday, Dad & I drove north to South Bend, where we found a great park with groomed trails to cross country ski.

I'm so happy that Mom & Dad have set up Dad's old Lionel Train set in the basement. Note the mirror pond created by Cathy, Nathan & I during one winter break!

vendredi 11 février 2011

Winter fun

The Midwest has had a snowy, icy winter this year. When Cathy, Tim and boys came to Indy to visit, we took advantage to do some sledding. Zeus (sometimes with Rick's help) did his job of pulling James and Henry in a sled. The next day we went to the sledding hill at Fort Benjamin Harrison.