dimanche 10 avril 2011

guess what was the temperature of the water?

Here are some pictures from this WE at LaBaule where the weather was beautiful
Max and Sophie playing with a little bit of water in their buckets...that's a start...
a starfish found on the way to the water

Tasting the temperature of the water
and I guess it felt good!
"Look, I am all wet, let's do it again"
"We did it!!"

6 commentaires:

  1. Looks like a great beach day! Love the photo on Sophie and the starfish!

  2. Great pictures! Kids are so happy and healthy. You did a great job! (From Yan)

  3. Coucou
    Je trouve que Max a vraiment bp changé!!
    On a hate de vous voir!bisous. Catherine

  4. They loved the cold water! They must have some Minnesota in their veins.

  5. Oh Claire, the kids are so big! Max looks like a different person altogether! So happy you posted these. It's so nice to see their smiling faces. xxx

  6. Qu'est ce que Maxime a grandi...
    Gros bisous parisiens !!!
