Today was the end of the school year in France....To celebrate this day, Maeva and Auxanne's school was having a party including a show, some games and food.

Sophie had a lot of fun during this day, first by watching her cousins' show (she was dancing on the side while Maxime was clapping) , playing fisherman (you try to catch some wrapped gifts with a fishing rod - she got a diadem, a bracelet which end up in the trash by (my) mistake, some playing cards and some stickers -) and tasting some "old-fashioned" candies (fraise tagada, frite, crocodile.... brought a lot of memories back!!!).

She also got her face painted and spent a lot of time with her cousins.
What a good day!
meme pas drole, j'avais laisse un commentaire, et je m'apercois qu'il n'est pas la! Moi et l'informatique!!!
RépondreSupprimerMaintenant que je suis une pro ;) je voulais souhaiter un tres joyeux anniversaire a Sophie! 3 ans! On vous fait pleins de bisous!
RépondreSupprimerbon anniversaire Sophie!!
RépondreSupprimernous, on a fêté l'anniversaire des petits samedi au parc: au programme il y avait aussi fishing, chamboule tout, face painting...ils étaient super contents!bisss