Today is Sophie's birthday...maybe I should say, the past week was Sophie's birthday since she probably got a gift everyday, thanks to Mamie Pat and GrandPa Rick, Aunt Cathy, Aunt Susie and then my family here in France.
She obviously LOVED all the gifts and I will give you a peek for each of them, everyday starting now.
First gift arrived from Aunt Cathy, Uncle Tim, Henry and James

Swimsuit, stickers and electric toothbrush! She took her first "bath" in the ocean with this swim suit (she fell in the water while she was running).
Max was at the beginning a little bit scared by the toothbrush but now loves it!
Max a bp changé, il est grand, blond, bronzé!!!!!
RépondreSupprimeret aussi une nouvelle coupe de cheveux!!!
RépondreSupprimerthe bed is right there she wants it bad